This morning, I poured my coffee for the day, whipped open my laptop and decided to check up on Athirah's progress. She has shown remarkable commitment and consistency in doing her exercises. To top it off, she has also scored considerably high marks on average for all four subjects. For this week's report, I'll be summing up her progress so far on the four subjects, Bahasa Melayu, English, Science and Mathematics.
Between the four subjects, Athirah showed the most interest in doing Bahasa Melayu Exercises. Her statistics show great mastery in almost all the subtopics (marked green and turquoise). However, it would seem that she needs to work further on subtopics regarding syntactical formats and excerpting from unformatted texts (as marked by the yellow bars). The red bars indicate that she has to give full attention to improving her ability to comprehend formatted texts and poems as well as building sentence structures.
The English exercises on the other hand were barely frequented by Athirah. This was mostly because she had trouble understanding some of the questions and require a guide beside her when answering the questions. I remember having to define and elaborate to her the meanings of most of the words written in the exercises. Not having someone to explain to her the meaning of the text, probably resulted with her showing less devotion in doing the English exercises. Her statistics for English showed moderate comprehension overall.
Next up is Science. When I was teaching Athirah science back in SK Bangsar, she seemed to enjoy learning it the most. This was probably because learning how the things around us work as well as how they interact with one another really fascinates her. Although to be honest, I had to rely on the internet for information most of the time 😆. The amount of Science exercises done by Athirah was quite pleasing. It was her second most frequented subject.
Last on the list was Mathematics. It would seem that Athirah did Mathematics exercises the least. I know that Athirah struggled quite a bit with doing Mathematics exercises. It wasn't mostly because it was too hard, but rather because it takes quite a lot of time to finish every single exercises, considering the amount of questions regarding numbers that she had to solve by herself, without the use of a calculator! I guess to her, it wasn't as rewarding as doing the other exercises in terms of the time spent per rewards gained. Nonetheless, I still have to remind her of the importance of doing Mathematics whenever I have the chance. If she disregards her Mathematics exercises completely, I'm afraid she might lose the luster of her arithmetic skills.
Turns out, keeping track of a child's progress can be rough. I sure hope she is able to maintain her consistency. Because I'm afraid that doing these exercises excessively might bring in boredom in the end. I must prepare myself for the worst. But for now, that all that I can share for this week.
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